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Partner with Us

Landlord Engagement


In an effort to improve and enhance our client and property owner experience, we have created this site to provide real time information about our programs, staff and the process for placing a client into a vacant unit.


HOPICS administers a variety of rental assistance programs. Each program has its own set of eligibility criteria determined by the funder. Due to the numerous programs offered at HOPICS, owners have the opportunity to choose which program they think would best meet their needs.







Housing Programs

Rapid Rehousing

Rapid Re-Housing focuses on quickly housing eligible participants and assisting them with moving into permanent housing.  We provide case management, supportive services and specialized landlord engagement to ensure clients can maintain the rental unit after they have completed the program. The financial assistance provided is time limited.  

Eviction Prevention

Eviction Prevention is intended to assist participants who are at risk of becoming homeless to retain permanent housing. This program provides case management and financial assistance to stabilize the participant and assist him/her maintain their unit after completing the program.

Permanent Supportive


Permanent Supportive Housing focuses on placing clients attached to housing subsidies and intensive case management services to permanent housing. We provide ongoing case management, voucher support with housing authority and/or third party, supportive services and specialized landlord engagement to ensure clients retain housing. Clients attached to these programs will always have ongoing case management and financial support. 


How It Works!


No need to pay for advertising fees- we identify matches for you!


No loss of income while waiting to fill your unit! 


Property owners could receive up to two times the amount of rent for a security deposit


We support clients through financial hardships while enrolled in our programs


Case managers follow up on weekly to monthly basis!


We help with navigating landlord and tenant’s responsibilities


Advantages to Working with Us!


Contact Us!

Araceli Pe’a

Landlord Relations and Engagement Manager 

Phone: (323) 432-4399 Email:


Arthur Suciu

Customer Service Representative, Housing Department

Phone: (323) 432-4399 ext. 316  Email:


Jasmin Hernandez
Housing Specialist 

Phone: (323) 432-4399 ext. 230    



Michelle Anthony

Housing Specialist

Phone: (323) 432-4399 ext. 358  



Miguel Rodriguez

Housing Specialist

Phone: (323) 432-4399 ext. 357    



Amber Samuel

Housing Coordinator, ICMS Programs

Phone: (323)432-4399


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